Well. Let’s get it. A little back ground, I usually hate counting macros, it just drives me nuts and most people don’t use it for the right reason and I end up in rants, but for this I’m going to make an exception and detail everything that enters my body.
Phase 1 Nutrition - Maintenance phase
current body weight: 180
Calorie goal (Protein/Carb/Fat)
Workout days - 2,400 (180/260/75)
Rest Days - 2,200 (185/185/80)
Phase 1 Rough Workout Template Monday - Intervals + MetCon + BSquat + Legs
Tuesday - MetCon + Chest/Back + Gymnastics
Wednesday - Intervals + Oly + MetCon
Thursday - Aerobic Work + Core
Friday - Intervals + MetCon + FSquat + Glutes
Saturday - MetCon + Outside/Odd Oject
Sunday - Outside/Recovery
Phase 1 Recovery Protocol
Mobility - 15 + Min Daily Wednesday - Ice Bath + Salt Bath
Sunday - 1 Hour Walk
Phase 1 Mindset Training
Reflection - daily
Mental Challenge - weekly
Fast - 1 x 24 Hours - Monthly
Phase 1 Data Tracking
Body weight - Sunday Nights
Sleep/Recovery via whoop - Daily
ROM - weekly